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作者:潘明礼    文章来源:南京哓庄学院    点击数:    更新时间:2012-2-28           ★★★


关键词吴芮;吴氏长沙国;异姓诸侯王; 刘邦


Abstract:  Re-explore the reasons of the sole  existence of Changsha country in the Early Han Dynasty on the political ally relationships of Changsha country and Han Dynasty and their compromises to each other , the supervisory system of the Prime Minister, especially the role of  Li Cang ,as well as the advantages of the existence of Changsha country .Generally speaking it is a particular historical event in a particular historical period, which is closely related to the political struggle and political interests. The independence of Changsha country shows not only the result of the political struggle in such a particular period but also a transitional period of the historical changes.The significance of this paper aims to see the decline and elimination of the system of Offering King Titles in the last moment of history.

Key words: Wui Rui; Changsha Country; the system of Offering King Titles; Liu Bang









文章录入:gohwu    责任编辑:gohwu 



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