澳门艺术博物馆馆长 吴卫鸣(UNG VAI MENG) 打印本文 打印本文  关闭窗口 关闭窗口  
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澳门艺术博物馆馆长 吴卫鸣(UNG VAI MENG)







##### 吴卫鸣艺术作品




···吴卫鸣速写集:画册  出版:澳门文化学会


##### 吴卫鸣艺术活动





··· 吴卫鸣---追远

···吴卫鸣---《天堂 人间》
在古老的中国,传统儒家孝悌关怀及人际伦理观念是社会甚至民间日常的生活实践及价值判断的基石。而基督教关爱身边每一个人,则是天主仁爱在人间的展现与发扬。二者在中国近代发展史上有相互融合之势。中国宗族祠堂中用于个体拜祭的祖容画像同时也表达着类似宗教感的宗族集体感情。十六世纪末,随着天主教传入中国,天主教堂在各地出现(包括上海张江地区),并成为当地教友聚集祈祷的庄严场所,再次见证中西文化互容。但时至二十一世纪,在变化激烈的当代社会情境中,人际关系疏离、 家庭问题严重、道德价值混乱。作为当代人,如何能在传统文化中获得精神上的启示? 基于以上思考,我设想在张江的老天主教堂前排放一组装置,主要由玻璃叠落而成,上面丝网印制宗族人像,夜晚投射强光,营造庄严气氛。通过鲜明的形式及内在意义的对比,引发人们的思考。

Wu Weiming

Heaven, Earth

In ancient China, the traditional Confucian ethics of caring and human relations were the foundations of daily social conduct and values. Christianity, on the other hand, advocates universal love and God??s love for all of humanity. Both Confucianism and Christianity have fused in recent years in China. Chinese ancestor worship involves the worship of portraits of individuals and at the same time expresses the sentiment of religious sociality. At the end of the Sixteenth Century, along with the spread of Catholicism in China, Catholic churches appeared everywhere (including Shanghai??s Zhangjiang neighborhood), becoming the gathering and worship places of Christians and another testament to Chinese-Western interaction. But in the beginning of the Twenty-First Century, in the midst of turbulent contemporary social changes, human relations are drifting further apart, family issues growing more serious and moral values becoming unstable. How does a contemporary person receive the spiritual enlightenment of traditional culture? Based on the above thinking, I propose a set of installations at the front of the old Catholic church in Zhangjiang composed mainly of stacked glass and silk screens with images of people in the form of ancestor worship portraits. A bright light will shine onto them at night, creating a solemn atmosphere. This work will evoke reflection through the contrast between its bright form and intrinsic meaning. 
3、吴卫鸣主编  澳门艺术博物馆出版 法国当代艺术---- (法)雅克琳·佩利安(Jacqueline Péglion)  安·嘉美等译

##### 吴卫鸣的文章



吴卫鸣 民间祖容像的承传  ----收录于艺术史与艺术理论(全两册)



澳门艺术博物馆海报设计展 贺词

地点: 广州美术学院大学城美术馆 5、6号展厅







  In the middle of the 16th Century, Portuguese merchant ships started to anchor off Macao. Since that time, an exotic culture has taken root in this tiny southern Chinese city. Over the years, foreign cultures - Portuguese, Malaysian and Japanese to name but a few - have coalesced with each other, profoundly influencing the lifestyle, diet and even daily use of language in the city. At the same time, Western science, art, religion and culture have been imported to China via Macao, while rich Chinese products and even philosophical concepts have travelled to Europe from the city. The cultural exchange between East and West largely has its origins in Macao.

  Following the Opium War in the mid-19th Century, Macao was overtaken by Hong Kong as an international trade port. Consequently, the city started to withdraw from its role as a centre of ‘cultural transfer’. Nevertheless, local culture has not stopped developing. The Luis de Cam?es Museum – the first in the city and a predecessor to the Macao Museum of Art - was founded in 1910. In the 1930s, the museum developed significantly thanks to the devotion of various passionately enthusiastic individuals in local society. The collections acquired increased at a steady rate and in the 1970s the museum sought to broaden the exposure of local artists by founding a gallery in addition to displaying collections. The museum has also encouraged foreign and local artists to hold exhibitions in order to build a strong base for exchange between artists, providing rooms for them to continuously improve by viewing and learning from each other’s works.

  On 19th March 1999, the year that Macao was returned to China, the Macao Museum of Art officially opened its doors to the public - a brand new cultural facility and an important venue for large exhibitions – since when it has hosted over 100 various exhibitions and activities. Event collaboration has involved many leading art museums from Mainland China such as the Palace Museum in Beijing, Shanghai Museum, Nanjing Museum and Henan Provincial Museum as well as museums, artists and collectors from Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Portugal, Italy, the Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, U.S.A., Mexico, Columbia, Egypt and New Zealand. Exhibits include precious relics from the Imperial Court of the Qing Dynasty and masterpieces representing the very essence of Chinese tradition and culture, such as the works of Chen Chun, Xu Wei, Dong Qichang, Ba Da, Shi Tao and the Eight Eccentric Painters of Yangzhou plus Wu Changshuo, Zhang Daqian and Fu Baoshi in more recent times. In addition, MAM has exhibited masterworks by prominent artists such as Pablo Picasso, a giant in the lexicon of Western art, Joan Miro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Niki de Saint Phalle, Yves Klein and Arman. As such, Macao Museum of Art is playing an important role in cultural exchange between East and West.

  Apart from quality, the success of an exhibition depends on the image it is projecting and whether the design of the promotional poster highlights the features of the event or publications attract readers whose attention and interest is sufficiently aroused. These are important considerations for organisers. We have an excellent team of young designers who create posters for all events with great artistic flair and who constantly strive to free themselves from convention in order to create a unique impact. They strive to introduce modern visual elements into traditional, formulaic content by employing variations in such elements as colour and font style and size.

  Macao is a city of various integrated cultures and it is therefore inevitable that we sometimes face problems concerning the language of different ethnic groups when designing our posters. For example, Chinese, Portuguese, English and even French, Spanish and Italian