鼎晖创业投资 打印本文 打印本文  关闭窗口 关闭窗口  
作者:gohwu  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2011/4/23 9:18:44  文章录入:gohwu  责任编辑:gohwu


  • 成立时间:2002年
  • 网  站:http://www.cdhfund.com/
  • 所 在 地:北京朝阳区光华路甲8号和乔大厦B座318室
  • 基金规模:1亿-3亿美元
  • 投资阶段:扩张期 成熟期
  • 投资领域:互联网、通信/无线、传媒/新媒体、消费品/餐饮/酒店、软件/硬件/半导体、其它、教育培训
简 介:  鼎晖投资基金管理公司的前身是中国国际金融有限公司(CICC)的直接投资部,中金公司是中国最早开展直接投资业务的投资银行,在中金公司期问,管理团队在五年的实践中,取得了令人瞩目的投资业绩,主导投资的总额达到1.2亿美元,投资的年均收益率超过30%,并培养了一支有丰富经验的管理团队。2001年中国证监会发布了禁止证券公司从事风险投资业务的规定,中金公司决定将其直接投资部及投资业务进行分拆。这也是省级基金参与的第一家有限合伙性质的投资基金。


  • 吴尚志
  • 董事长
  •   Mr. Wu is the founding partner of CDH China Management Company Limited ("CDH") for which he has served as president since its inception in 2002. CDH is an international private equity fund manager with more than $2 billion of committed capital under management focused on investments in China's leading companies.  From 1995 to 2002, Mr. Wu worked for China International Capital Corporation Ltd., or CICC, serving as the Head of Director Investment Department beginning in 1996. Mr. Wu was managing Director in 1999 and served as a member of CICC's Management Committee between 2000 and 2002. From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Wu was Managing Director at Beijing Copia Consulting Company.  From 1991 to 1993, he was a Senior Investment Officer at the International Finance Corporation or IFC. From 1984 to 1991, Mr. Wu worked for the World Bank as an Operations Officer and Senior Operations Officer. Mr. Wu received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and M.S. in Management of Technology from Massachusetts Institute of

  •   吴尚志,获得麻省理工学院硕士学位及工程博士学位,现任鼎晖创业投资管理有限公司董事长;



