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  主题: 吴汝纶书信集 :2004/3/9 0:11:45

吴汝纶(1840~1903),字挚甫,安徽桐城人。同治进士。清末散文家,桐城文派后期代表人物之一。曾师事曾国藩。光绪二十八年(1902年)任京师大学堂总教习,同年五月赴日本考察教育。回国后创办桐城中学堂,仿西制办学。该书信集为光绪二十八年八月至十一月间,吴汝纶关于桐城中学堂学制、课程设置、经费筹措和聘请日本教师任教的书信、文稿,以及日本友人赠吴汝纶的诗稿。 [IMG]http://www.ahda.gov.cn/dajc/images/wrls-da.jpg[/IMG]   Collection of Letters by Wu Rulun   Wu Rulun (1840- 1903), born in Tongcheng County, was an essayist and representatives of the Tongcheng School in the late Qing Dynasty. In the 28th year of Guangxu period (1902) he was appointed president ofJing Shi School, the former Beijing University and sent to Japan on a tour of investigation in May of the same year. When returned, he set up the Tongcheng Middle School in western style. This collection contain his manuscripts fi.om August to November in the 28th year of Guangxu period, concerning the school operating system, courses offered, raising funds and employing Japanese teachers. There are also poems presented to Wu by his Japanese friends. [ALIGN=right][COLOR=#000066][本贴已被 吴卫东 于 2004-3-9 0:12:32 修改过][/COLOR][/ALIGN]
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