吴永健参选美国旧金山硅谷学区委员 打印本文 打印本文  关闭窗口 关闭窗口  
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吴永健是上海交大毕业,要竞选的是美国北加州湾区(美国加利佛利亚州旧金山)Saratoga学区委员(教育委员会成员)。他是当初学的是物理专业。来到美国以后转行计算机,现在是一名软件工程师。过去从来没有任何政治上的人生规划,工作老老实实,勤勤恳恳。如果没有SCA5,他可能永远就是我们身边普普通通上班族里面的一名。但是,就在年初反SCA 5大潮出现后,他们都走入了义工队伍,也开始了人生的转折点。吴永健加入的是28区Chuck Page共和党义工群。

我们大陆人缺乏在社区耕耘,到了选举关头,基本就是一盘散沙的状态。除了SVCA, ChuckTeam这些成组织的义工群,吴永健草根起步,很难找到义工资源。

现在,吴永健是Saratoga(萨拉托加--美国硅谷所在地)学区唯一一个竞选学区委员的亚裔,当选希望非常大。希望住在Saratoge的朋友都能转告左邻右舍,投他一票。如果想要帮他发传单,可以直接发信联系他。他的网址:http://www.yongjianwu4susd.com 电话: 408-431-0509 email: yongjianw@gmail.com


SCA-5激起了华人社区对政治的关注。但真正的政治从身边开始,从社区开始…学区重划,特殊项目债券,建高密社区,房产特别税… 这些其实是在美华人日常生活中真正的柴米油盐酱醋茶,但华人很少关心了解它们到底是怎样发生的,怎样通过的,最后分摊到自己头上的 price tags又是多少。Home Owner Association(HOA)又到底是怎么运作的?华人大多只管交钱,却很少做义工参与管理 HOA。硅谷华人协会(SVCA)9月6日周六下午2-4时举办有关 School District Board 和 City Council 的普及扫盲讲座,重点介绍这些 elected offices 的功能和其选举产生过程。讲座也介绍 HOA。关心社区,参政议政,从身边做起最容易,最实际,也收获最大!

主持人/Moderators:祝凯,曾练 (SVCA)

张昭富先生 (Cupertino City Council Member; former Cupertino CUSD Board Member)
魏虹女士 (Fremont FUHSD Board Trustee)
曾景琳女士(Los Gatos-Saratoga JUHSD Board Trustee)
黄泽安博士 (Chair, Public Safety Commission; Cupertino City Council Member 候选人)
潘欣欣女士(Cupertino CUSD Board Member 候选人)
邵阳博士(Fremont FUSD Board Member 候选人)
吴永健先生(Saratoga SUSD Board Member 候选人)
王葆蓉女士(President of Sunnyoaks Estate HOA)
何台屏博士(Broker of Aicare Realty)










Yongjian Wu for Saratoga UNION School board 2014

Who am I:

I finished my undergraduate and master in Physics from Shanghai Jiaotong University, China in 1993. I came to the United States in 1994 to pursue graduate education. After earning a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University in 1997, I started my career as a software engineer in Medical Device Industry in Silicon Valley. I have been married with my wife for 20 years and have a loving family with two kids: 14 years old daughter and 3 years old son. I have been a Saratoga resident for 5+ years, before that, we had our residency in Sunnyvale for 10 years.

Why I am running for Saratoga Union School District SUSD Board:

I believe in public education. I can bring in different perspective of busy working families like mine where both parents have to work hard for their day jobs to afford the residency in beautiful Saratoga. We count on the continued success of our schools in educating our children by covering full range of development opportunities.

I strongly feel that our school board should better represent the community and maintain better communication with the parents and teachers. I will be a good listener to understand the needs of the students and parents and work with the teachers to achieve better outcome for SUSD schools.

What are the key messages of my campaign:
Ensure we have resources to maintain adequate school hours and secure good financial standing for our schools. Find ways to allocate funds with right priority and monitor usage of the funds to achieve outstanding results.
Continue to make sure our school system provides programs to help our students to reach their full potential, such as math acceleration path; or to receive the extra care they need, such as math shadow.
Re-vitalize school curriculum so that our Elementary School can better prepare students for Middle School and Middle School better prepare students for High School and college by introducing additional electives such as Programming and more chocie of foreign language in Middle School.
More choices of extra-curriculum activities for Middle School students.
Continue the effort in ensuring our students flourishing in safe school environment and prosper in this diverse culture community.


     My 15-year industry experience brings with me the understanding of what skill sets we need to develop for our students today in order to be successful in tomorrow’s global competitive work environment.
       I would like to bring my passion and perspective to the Board to preserve and enhance Saratoga’s greatest asset. I would like to ask for your support and your vote on November 4.